the best ordinary

it was the last possible minute

to endure a bedroom without a/c

so i put aside my concerns for

over usage of electricity

and asked you to haul that thing

into my window.

my room was a mess

and we laughed as you found

empty pudding cups

and pictures with syrup on them.

you tried to help me clean.

i told you to shut up.

i went around back to hold

the window open

and i pressed my breasts against

the screen.

you shook your head.

inside, you talked about the newspaper

and somehow used the word circular

and i told you never again.

you lay your sweaty head on my pillow

and closed your eyes

while i watched a show on pink

and smoked it,

ashing into a 2 week old snapple bottle.

2003-07-07, 10:28 a.m.
design by bluechicken

