what some girl knows

sometimes i browse the comments written about me by the people who have me listed as a favorite diary. up until now the comment "she is brutally, disturbingly honest" was my favorite but i read another good one.

operastar is crazy like love and like dreams.

i don't know if this girl realizes how true that statement is. how the fury and constant uproar of emotions in love are very similar to my scattery rambles of speech and inclination to act irrationally. or how my mind is in every way like the madness of a dream; nothing ever really making sense while intriguing you with its disaccord and love of the unusual.

maybe it was just a comment. but if she really got all that from my writing, then i am blown away.

(the whole cigarette burns out as i write this entry with intent)

2003-01-23, 11:12 a.m.
design by bluechicken

