etchasketch husbands

she's come undone.

the title of my favorite book and a song played at my work

i always related to those three words as a statement labeling someone's break down of sanity

today i identified differently.

i've come undone

in a beautiful, terrifying way

i've unlaced the ties of fear roped around [me] [everything i know] myself

i've undone the


i've been undone by something

[knowledge maybe]

been told that you don't move forward without letting it scare you and just going ahead and throwing up about it.

i don't want to [can't] be afraid of being in love anymore

it's all been prelude's to his [fingers] eyes

and with the undoing of my [mind/thoughts/stubborness] laces

there is a serenity everyone is asking me to explain

how could i

it's internal

he is my w.d.

how could i exlain all that

the letters and the forever longing

i couldn't

i won't

she's come undone

she is me

anne is dead

MY laces are gone

HER fears live on

like a whistle through my vein.

2002-12-30, 11:36 p.m.
design by bluechicken

