i love you the way skinny dipping makes my body feel

the most powerful and lovely compliment i have ever received, and hope to continue to receive, is that by example i have helped someone become more in love with their body. a number of people in a the past few years have thanked me for helping them with that and i think it is such an important difference to make in a person's life- for love of oneself means everything to me. here is a recent compliment:

Bits of my body that I despise still burn under my clothes. I hate them, though I try to be tired of the world and just accept my flaws or my scars.

When I read your inspiring and lovely "pep talks" I feel like I can hold up my jelly, my torso, my skin, my hairs, my snot and muscle and beautiful fluid, and walk to the mirror.

2002-11-13, 11:32 p.m.
design by bluechicken

