make time for you

In life we often become products built on and continuously webbed in society�s fears and expectations. Putting aside real knowledge, we gain everything we know from what we feel. Should we feel insecure we know to shave this or that, paste on lipstick, and conform. Life�s battle is little about homework on page 29 and most about how we allow our minds to wrap around ideas. Should a woman read that writing is wrong and believe it, she has allowed her brain to stop at the conclusion that her poetry is a mistake. We are strongest when we leave our mind alone and let it think and conceive of anything it should decide.

In body we are concealed. Each part is to be exposed, or not, pending our internal self portrait. Early on we undoubtedly made up our minds about which parts make us most and least desirable. Should we chart and graph the mistake we made in pubescence in defining any of this, we would see the perfection of ourselves. Yes, it is the body that maps the scars of our failures but it proceeds to remind us that it houses our minds; our strongest and most desirable part. Should we begin to recognize ourselves as beauty and not as beast we will then be able to see our bodies as our homes and our skin as the most important house we live in.

In love, we fear. We create elaborate circuses of emotion when the heart is involved. Should we choose to love without asking anything in return, our spinning circuses might cease to trap our minds. So often we become slaves to the concept that if we aren't receiving love, we shouldn't be giving love. But the most important spiritual awakening we can have comes the day we allow ourselves the freedom to love without wanting anything back.

In the mass chaos of everyday technology and fast paced hysteria there ought to be allotted time for ourselves. Not enough emphasis in this society is placed on self preservation and self appreciation. Our minds are our greatest tools. And once we get beyond the stage of being forced into learning just to be tested, we need to establish our own formula of quest for knowledge. This life is not a race but a book that gets read over a long stretch of time. Life taken by the pages is read, laughed through, gotten bored of, hated, cried at and eventually loved- one word at a time.

2002-11-08, 9:03 p.m.
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