tom's misconception

i was sitting on a bench smoking a cigarette by myself outside a restaurant (i'm always smoking in my stories) and i saw this man approaching me. he was smiling and winking and i thought "oh jesus" because i get approached often and i wasn't in the mood. but as he came closer i realized he was a little slow. he eagerly yelled out HEY HEY I'M TOM. and i said "hey tom". (still wasn't in the mood) he headed towards the door of the restaurant and then said to me I KNOW WHO YOU ARE. ummmmm ok. BUT DONT WORRY I WON'T TELL ANYONE INSIDE he said. ::what the fucks with this:: i thought and then he leaned in and whispered to me I'VE ALWAYS LOVED YOU MADONNA. madonna? madonna? he thinks i'm madonna? oh lord. "yep, thats me" i said sitting there in my white blazer, red shoes and hair to match (but only on the bottom). then quickly as if some kind of fucking revelation he said HEY YOU'RE NOT MADONNA SHE'S A LITTLE THINNER THAN YOU. "you got me tom. i'm not madonna" i said. BUT YOU REALLY LOOK LIKE HER! i just nodded. so i'm like a virgin touched for the very first time, what can i say?

2002-09-04, 12:02 a.m.
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