a wreck of a girl

"when i feel this way: there are no words to say because when i love i love with all my might. so you're the lucky one"

emotional powerhouse versus dissipation of all strength and independence gathered through recovery. time. and books.

i have to be stronger than needing the bug to live versus needing my own self to die in a field with bugs crawling in my ears

why didn't she see the fireworks why am i always the one seeing midgets walk into the store and why is medicine the only door for salvation when really your mouth is your lord for it gives you the tool your tongue to explore every passion and debate every answer your mind could endure 'til you stop theres a person a letter a call and you know the mortality of your friend after all should she die like your grandma you dont know who you'd become but you'd be different then this because you'd be halfway numb so to keep up with life you climb out your window bite the shingles and fall down a well down a tunnell of walls that all lead to rooms that make choices for you do you stay your whole life a girl who is safe but alone or search for yourself to appear in his moan is it better to love or best to be strong is there ever a time when everything's wrong?

2002-07-04, 2:25 a.m.
design by bluechicken

