"i am always very very something"--bjork

because i'm in a very very good mood, here are some very very good things in life:

finding amazing clothes and buying them, capital letters to emphasize a point, making out (good god yes), keeping in touch, 3 and 3/4 kt pear shaped diamond rings, halloween, ripping something that's perforated, idealism, living in the now, going through something awful and then helping someone else go through that something awful, toys from the dollar store, unexpected surprise gifts and cards, shouting real loud, cigarettes, yoga, avoiding stairs, water guns, dream memories, day trips, personology,

sidewalk chalkin' it, wet sackin' it, kris krossin' it, laughing real loud, masturbation plus porno, becoming ridiculously giddy during a phone call, very very delicious strawberries, the beatles, money for horsie rides (50 cents these days), 1/2 gallons of ice tea, trips to sevs (7-11), u-turns but not so much, crying, meaningful movies, "jerk store" "jerk city" a.k.a. interesting wonderful people, fantasizing about sex with someone beautiful, being told you are "truly bisexual" when even you yourself doubt the possibility sometimes, christmas fucking morning and that breath you take in the middle of the day when you suddenly become aware that you are breathing at all.

2002-04-27, 11:47 p.m.
design by bluechicken

