i ask you this

i don't know how to be friends with heterosexual men.

it all starts out well. i like spending time with them, they like spending time with me. we talk on the phone. we laugh. i giggle. and then we flirt. innocent things are said, uncomfortable moments occur and then you realize you'd rather be making out with this guy then talking about his favorite book.

i want to have guys friends who i can play video games with and check out girls with who are single and attractive and fun. i don't want them to find me attractive, i don't want them to ask me out and i don't want to feel like every time i look at them i am one second away from sucking their dick.

how do women do it? i know women do it! so add this question to my list of things i need to know before i am reincarnated again:

how do you have a platonic relationship with a single, attractive, heterosexual man?

please: enlighten me.

this is the answer i received from my friend renee: .......YOU BECOME A LESBIAN. Hope that enlightens you a little bit.

2002-01-29, 10:24 p.m.
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