freedom and love

j. krishnamurti is someone whose word and wisdom i take very seriously. he is a brilliant philosopher and thought provoker. often times his work is very difficult reading because he is an astounding intellect. however, he wrote this one book entitled "think on these things" and i've chosen to use it as a little handbook for life.

i was re-reading a chapter in the book tonight entitled "freedom and love". when i first read that title i was curious as to how the two were relevant to one another. but he speaks so much of how freedom (from hurt, pain, sorrow...) depends upon your lack of dependence. here, he explains:

"to be free we have to revolt against all inward dependence, and we cannot revolt if we don't understand why we are dependent. do you know what it means to love somebody? do you know what it means to love a tree, or a bird, or a pet animal, so that you take care of it, feed it, cherish it, though it may give you nothing in return, though it may not offer you shade, or follow you, or depend on you? most of us do not love in that way. we don't just love and leave it there, but we ask something in return; and in that very asking, we become dependent. so freedom and love go together"

2001-11-04, 12:32 a.m.
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