sunday monday happy days

it is terribly amazing when you realize that you have the power to adopt a name or a subject and nurse it and marry it and fall more in love with it then your first college boyfriend. or to dream a dream that's so ordinary that you spin it around 3 times to make it more unique but it won't be. and it is safe to care about people who you'll never see again, who don't know your letter or your touch or your mind. who won't buy you groceries, and who won't ever need to lick you alive.

there are days and simple times when the taste of mondays and stale reek of saturdays mow you over into the underground. drop you head first into a sewer land, where you should shit and cry and pee. but you drown yourself sweet yesterdays and refuse that natural instinct. hold your breath until tuesday holidays, cross the bridge of tomorrows and come up dancing on your heels.

2001-10-19, 12:12 a.m.
design by bluechicken

