overdose on your touch

Last night you touched me and things exploded inside of me. I put my chin down to my chest and let you play your fingers up and down my neck. My eyes were closed but rolling into the back of my head. Nothing had ever felt the way you were making my insides feel. I could overdose on your touch.

You brought me home and we stayed in your car with the air conditioning on and the rain pattering against the windows; the only sounds- the rain and your breathing (soft and simple). You made me laugh a few dozen times as I played with my seat belt. I was waiting to dive into your mouth just as you leaned over and married your lips and mine. There is nothing softer and more amazing than the feeling of your cool, wet mouth. Your hand played with my face; touching me so intensely but so gently- making it understood that there was a ton of emotion behind every movement. After a century of sweet lips, scattered breathing and flushed faces we broke apart. I asked you if Father's Day was hard for you and you said no- it had been 8 years- but I didn't believe you. We all know that no kiss can take away the tears that come with lost love. I turned silent and pensive, wondering how to make sense out of what I was doing here with you again after 4 years. I looked at you, your magnetic eyes and your beautiful face and I knew that in some bizarre way, it made sense because it didn't make any at all.

2001-06-17, 4:04 p.m.
design by bluechicken

