red lipstick

I feel the need to boycott a lot lately. Boycott sex, staircases, the letters K and W, and movies that have Julia Roberts in them. The only problem is that you somehow can't help avoiding these things. Like the letter w, it's in my last name so I really can't get away from it. And the stairs, which I am mostttt against, I can't boycott because I have to use them to get to my classes on the 3rd and 4th floors and I have to use them to get to my room which is on the 2nd floor. I wish there was escalators everywhere. Or I wish I could get one of those little chairs that you sit on and you ride up the stairs. You have no idea how much I hate stairs. Sometimes they really ruin my life.

I'm reading this book which was published in the late 60's or early 70's called "Our Bodies, Our selves". It's a book all about sexuality, menstruation, masturbation, etc. It's for women, by women. I was reading it last night and I read this wonderful quote:

"I like to watch my daughter. From morning to night her body is her home. She lives in it and with it. When she runs around the kitchen she uses all of herself. Every muscle in her body moves when she laughs, when she cries. When she rubs her crotch there's no awkwardness. She feels pleasure and expresses it without hesitation. She knows when she wants to be touched and when she wants to be left alone"

I want to be a child again! It's so true how children are so uninhibited and love themselves so completely. I wish I wasn't corrupted with notions that my body is too large and my breasts must be concealed. I don't remember where I heard it but I heard the quote: "Your body is your temple." I like that expression. I like thinking of my body as my home.

Last night I wore red lipstick to Walker and Jocelyne's concert and I kept hearing that I was so beautiful, or so gorgeous. Every time I wear red lipstick people are always complimenting me. I guess it's the combination of my black hair, and my pale skin that makes the red lipstick look so incredible. Whenever I wear that lipstick I say to Jocelyne "I'm the prettiest girl in the world". Sometimes, I really think that's true.

2001-04-27, 11:40 a.m.
design by bluechicken

