
you are everywhere i am
because you are i as i am you and you are me.
as i am on fire you scab,
for our skin is the same skin
and flame melts one flesh.
in eating, my hands are your tools
to butter the bread that your mouth ingests,
my stomach is nourished by
and your intestines digest.
you are the devil while i am god then
you are my son jesus who gave his life
for me but my hands bleed.
under all the bark is our wood
two cedars growing into
out of
inside of one another.
your blood pours out of you
staining my pillow while i sleep
entering me, so,
wherever i am, you are
because you are i as i am you and you are me.

2005-07-30, 10:24 a.m.
design by bluechicken

