stevey poo

sometimes my best friend steve and i are like two little j.a.p. princesses trapped in our own little world together. i'll catch us, mid-conversation, and realize that we have just spent a half hour talking about what kind of pockets on jeans make our asses look good. my fiance is so happy that i have steve in my life because steve does and talks about all the things with me that he would never want to. steve and i are constantly shopping, gossiping, watching reality t.v., talking sex and the city and going on movie dates. it's really so great to be around him because i never have to censor myself or worry that i look "ditzy" or "shallow" because he's just as much into the things that i'm into. the other night i bought the paris hilton "confessions of an heiress" book and we read it together over applebee's onion peels. who does that?
here is a recent online conversation of ours, to roughly pinpoint what i mean about our oblivious clueless-style best friendship:

"steve": what are you doing tonight

"myself": i'm dying my hair right now

"steve": oh yeah? what goddamn color?

"myself": like a little bit lighter blond

"steve": is that crazy real world episode on tonight?

"myself": oh shit yeah! i fuckin so have to see that!

"steve": goddamn landon

"myself": do you think he'll get kicked off the show? i do for sure. how can he threaten with a knife and not?

"steve": i think so. that's c r a z y

"myself": did you like that shirt i wore on new years?

"steve": yessssss

"myself": i'm thinking of getting the same one in black, would that be nuts or a good idea?

"steve": i think that'd be a good idea

"myself": you're so awesome. and what are you doing with your hair, have you decided?

"steve": i'm not sure

"myself": red highlights still?

"steve": it's still a possibility

"myself": you know last night i just framed this picture of us with you with blonde hair and black roots, you look so hot like that

"steve": i know i kind of miss that look

"myself": maybe its time

2005-01-04, 8:23 p.m.
design by bluechicken

