my cat's a pussy

my kitten has different kinds of meows. one for hunger, one for wanting to be played with, one for wanting us to know he's taken a shit and he wants it cleaned up, one for fear and one for neediness. i'm probably the best person at knowing what each of his sounds mean and because of this he sticks by my side constantly. in the mornings he used to lick my eyelashes to let me know he was hungry until my fiance started feeding him before he went to work. now he wakes me up in the morning by putting his butt in my face and scratching my neck. in my tired, coma like state i always mistakenly think he hasn't eaten and go to give him food. but he curls himself around my leg and looks up at me as if he'd die if i didn't hold him. i pick him up and cradle him, rubbing his head and his stomach and his back for 20-30 minutes until his calms down and then he's fine. this morning routine always blows my mind. when i was getting a cat people always told me that i would be very disappointed because cats are so independent and don't want to be held and certainly don't do anything you tell them to. maybe my cats just different. maybe he's just a mommas boy. either way, i love it.

2004-09-28, 12:43 p.m.
design by bluechicken

