my fuckin tooth

i'm on the vicadin parade. i had my 8th root canal in 6 weeks 2 days ago and this time with a specialist. he warned me the pain would be unbearable and tried to get me to take vicadin. i declined his offer. 16 hours and a psychotic amount of pain later i was beeping him, having him call me from home so i could get those fucking pain killers.

vicadin is crazy. it makes you loopy as all shit. i'm writing this and having trouble holding my head up. all i want to do is sleep. i've been passing out all over my house at random times during the day and mostly on the floor, so my fiance has to lift the dead weight of my body onto the bed. but my tooth has no feeling and i guess that's the point. i just hate feeling like this. it feels like i'm high or overly medicated. i have to go back one more time and then this hell should be over.

people: don't drink soda. this is what happens.

2004-09-26, 12:53 p.m.
design by bluechicken

