my morning

this morning at 6am my fiance tumbled out the door to work and i lay there wide awake. at that time in the morning there aren't many people to call. i took a chance at calling my friend who has the kid, thinking that people with kids usually get up early, but she wasn't up- i got the answering machine- so i hung up. a minute later my phone rang. it was her mother calling me back. she wanted to make sure i was ok, because, normally i don't get up before 9am, nor do i make phone calls- and she knows this. no, i told her, nothing was wrong, i was just bored. she asked if i felt like talking to her and i said of course. she's really young and super cool (cool being: you can say curses in front of her and she's smarter than just about anyone i know) and i figured we'd gab for a few mintes... 2 1/2 hours later i looked at the clock and couldn't believe it! we had talked about my love life and her feelings on death and the news and marriage and what she went through during her divorce, etc. i love women and how we can talk endlessly with each other- bouncing from subject to subject doing nothing but giving support and advice as the hours widdle away.

this story has no meaning and no ending. it is here to serve reminder for when i wander back through the calendar of my year and remember who has made me feel.

2004-04-24, 12:02 p.m.
design by bluechicken

