he WOULD owe me an apology if this happened

this is a letter rich wrote me after we complaind that neither of us ever receive apology e-mails. the subject matter of this letter is fictional and rich is funny:


I'm just writing to tell you that I am really sorry that I accidentally spooged on your favorite purse. I know that I have put our friendship in jeopardy. After the post cum buzz wore off I realized that I had ruined one of your favorite accessories and knew that you would probably never forgive me. But the bag reminded me of cow pussy, which reminded me of sex, which got me hard. You are the most important person in my life (besides a list of thirty other people which you can access at this site: www. peoplerichlovesoveryou.com). Please be advised that I adore you and cannot live without you. I'm sorry. Forgive me?"

Love and sticky


2003-08-21, 2:42 a.m.
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