plea for forgiveness

dear shannon,

though i have already called your voicemail and apologized there, i am writing this formal letter to ensure the sincerity of my apology.

i am sorry that i always wind up falling asleep for the night when we have plans. i am a dumb asshole for doing it and i hope you can forgive me. i hope you know, of course, that it hasn't to do with you and everything to do with my new found insomnia that takes over my life 6 nights out of the week.

as for making it up to you, maybe we could set up a date? a night of movie and coffee where i pay for you and everything? given your record of shutting me down, i won't expect or need a makeout, and will instead light your cigarettes for you and buy you things out of the vending machine.

tell me if this all sounds good.

i love you.



2003-07-08, 8:16 a.m.
design by bluechicken

