rainbow 2 piece on a 5 year old

i was laying out in the sun,

burning- but i didn't know that until later, and a little girl covered in cuts and scrapes stood over me.

it took me a minute to realize she was there and when i did i jumped.

"oh my god, hi" i said.

["what the fuck" is what i thought]

"i didn't watch where i was going and the cement on the stairs ripped up my skin" she said

"oh, is that why you have cuts on you?"

"yeah. i want tattoos like you"

i laughed. her parents looked panicked that she was talking to a tattooed, cleavage baring, cigarette smoking new yorker. she touched my arm. i didn't know what to do. i was bored with her already. i told her to go play in the pool and i laid back down with my cig in between my teeth.

2003-06-23, 11:43 a.m.
design by bluechicken

