
in a mad dash to spendaholic on my lunch break i grabbed t-shirts and size seven hip huggers off the rack. time was limited. pink shirt, sexy jeans, beige skirt- i need something else. i stopped. in front of me was a t-shirt that read: "i recycle boys". the saying was funny and the shirt was cute, but, i didn't want that message to be my message anymore. didn't want to be the girl keeping a box of 24 condoms in her glove compartment because "you never know", or the girl who after receiving a desperate message from boy of the month stating "i miss you so much" deletes it and never calls again. instead i bought jeans i knew [the boy i'm dating] would like and later let him put his hands all over them and me in front of a room of other men.

2003-06-13, 9:36 a.m.
design by bluechicken

