water for my birdboy

i am not usually one for the "shout outs" but today i have to do one.

my friend rich, who i feel i've known for lifetimes, has this just amazing diary. i was about to read it a little when i chose to write this entry first. you don't just read his diary "a little". you wind up getting engrossed in it and lose track of everything you were planning on doing.

rich and i have been friends since high school and since being apart in college we have evolved separately but jointly. he is that person in your life where everything happens with ease; be it a kiss or a joke or a good cry. he has a magic to the way he says things and an even more magnificent way of understanding how to use words to make you feel. i'll never get enough of him- clear into the sunrise i still want to make him laugh.

if you've got time to really digest some great writing please visit his site. the address is [http://birdboy.diaryland.com].

it will move you just like the weight of his skin and fingers.

2003-02-18, 6:24 p.m.
design by bluechicken

