
here is a little insight into the diversity, madness and delight which is my world of friends:


description: thin, short curly brown hair, big animated eyes

wears: a chic combination of elegance and rock and roll

known to be: making up mix tapes, setting out on some "unique" quest (seaches for special snowboots), or getting a little mad and threatening you with her fist/muscle

identifying trait: distinct usage of words unlike anyone else

most beautiful aspect: her love and respect for animals and all things alive


description: tall, ashton kutcher-esque hair, very goodlooking

wears: hooded sweatshirts, new balance sneakers and t-shirts that say "camp sunshine" on them

known to be: playing video games, smoking cigarettes or making fun of you

identifying trait: saying something that makes absolutely no sense

most beautiful aspect: his love of knowledge


description: britney spears look-alike

wears: low cleavage shirts, tight jeans and j.lo sweat suits

known to be: working at scores (the strip club), shopping, yelling or getting naked

identifying trait: the ability to make anyone want her

most beautiful aspect: her devotion to anything that is real to her


description: tall, long curly brown hair, electric blue eyes

wears: anything and everything

known to be: taking care of her baby, running in 8 thousand directions or talking about sex

identifying trait: her ability to call you on your shit and not let you be dishonest for a second

most beautiful aspect: how intensely she feels


description: short hair, child-like face, uneven bangs

wears: clothes she sewed together and backpacks with safety pins on them

known to be: living somewhere with nothing but a mattress, stealing from her job or traveling the country by bus

identifying trait: her weirdo laugh

most beautiful aspect: how she fights for her life and her right to just get up and go


description: tall, really thin with gq glasses and a serious face

wears: ripped jeans, blazers and doc martens

known to be: trying to make out with me, putting down people who don't read or writing his life on pages of worth

identifying trait: his ability to go from serious to silly in 2 seconds

most beautiful aspect: his appreciation for everything


description: short spikey hair, zebra print glasses, amazing lips

wears: ties, shirts with knives on them, back to the future type vests and electric youth perfume

known to be: getting mad at andrew, smoking a cig or rejecting sexual advances made at her by me

identifying trait: her quick sarcastic responses

most beautiful aspect: her patience


description: short black hair, small mouth, vivid facial expressions

wears: black everything

known to be: anywhere where there is amazing music, making me "take it back" when i say something mean and asking us if he should get collagen in his lips

identifying trait: his ability to stay blase when everyone around him is hyper

most beautiful aspect: his acceptance of anyone


description: short pixy girl hair, eyebrow ring, and an aura of gentleness

wears: fun t-shirts, jeans, hoodies with stars and hearts on them and pretty scarves

known to be: finding companies that don't support women and boycotting them, taking care of everyone, or working as a counselor at planned parenthood

identifying trait: her passion for women's rights

most beautiful aspect: her belief in standing up for what's right

2003-02-02, 2:48 p.m.
design by bluechicken

