where have we all been

i think one of the things i kept from anne sexton was my ability to attract people. i'm very sensuous and body confident (like anne) and people love that. i love getting smiles from strange people because of my looks. i love enticing people's minds with my mind and mating our ideas. i love being a woman; i love getting my period and bleeding out my uterus in bloody phrases spelling c-h-i-l-d-l-e-s-s. i love kicking off my shoes and sitting on my car with a cigarette in my mouth making pictures out of the sky. i am in love with my life, because it was her life, and a life perfectly lived.

masturbation and snapple. calendars and oxygen bars. and me flicking ashes into a used tylenol bottle. fuck it.

2002-11-08, 8:37 p.m.
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