i'm going to hell. who's coming with me?

video games, dildos, screaming, pornography, riot grrrls. tattoo inspiration, pop tarts, video games (alone or with others), ab-slide, exfriend dreams, moving out, moving to africa, SHREK, the mohawked boy who works next door, huge sunglasses, vulgarity, cursing or talking about sex in front of my parents, video games, thong fashion shows, bendos, seinfeld reruns, being the cast of 90210 with my friends (brenda here), h&m clothing and all their accessories, aiding in underage smoking whenever i can, veedeo gayme bendos, making my friends taste alcoholic beverages i would never drink but sound delicious, doing the "pop in" at suzannes house and deliciously getting a look at her newly bearded and sex-man boyfriend, getting sick of people telling me i look like kelly osbourne, thinking always about doing my deep conditioning process and driving to dairy barn instead. (these are: things i'm all about as of now)

2002-06-16, 7:39 p.m.
design by bluechicken

