i will never get a credit card

here's a little quiz you can take. answer yes or no to the following questions.

~your friends ask you what you did that day and when you say "went shopping" they respond with "what ELSE is new?"

~you agree to wash your mothers curtains if she'll take you for some new work clothes.

~your "impulse buys" consist of things like new stereos and expensive tattoos.

~you insist you have nothing to wear and must buy many new items of clothing after you've just counted 62 tops and 38 bottoms- you would wear this season alone- in your closet (not to mention shoes and pocketbooks).

~you are off from work and have no money and instead of staying in to read a book, you cash in a savings bond you got on your communion to buy makeup.

if you answered yes to any of these questions, you are probably a spendaholic. and seeing as how these questions are actual situations from my life, i probably am one too.

2002-04-04, 6:20 p.m.
design by bluechicken

