my cellphone is pink

i like to fill out surveys. here is a survey i filled out.

SURVEY INSTRUCTIONS: for every question asked, please answer with the same response. First a person, then 2 of the same thing, and then one different object. It seems confusing but it makes a lot of sense when you actually do it.

WHEN I'M DRIVING IN MY CAR I LIKE TO HAVE WITH ME: shannon, 2 tapes and my cellphone

WHEN I'M IN SOMEONE ELSE'S CAR I LIKE TO HAVE: alyson, 2 windows opened and the front seat

WHENEVER I'M ALONE I FEEL I NEED: my teddy bear, 2 pillows and my journal.

I FEEL SAFER WHEN I HAVE: my mommy to talk to, 2 types of food and my teddy bear in my arms.

WHEN I'M AT HOME IT'S NICE TO HAVE: my brother around, 2 good books to read, and a closet full of clean clothes

EVERYWHERE I GO THERE'S: my neighbor kathleen, 2 squirrels who always frolick on my lawn and I HATE THEM! and minivans (which I also despise)

I'M OBSESSED WITH: anne sexton, 2 certain young boys, and recording my life in little notebooks

I OBEY: no living person, 2 of anne's books, the dictionary

I LOVE: baby clarissa, 2 smoke cigarettes, and dressing up

I HATE: liars, 2 ex friends, and exclusive relationships.

I'M AFRAID OF: people who shout really loudly at your face, 2 specific things, and being raped

I HAVE MIXED FEELINGS ABOUT: a boy i like, 2 juices sold at starbucks, and salsa

I DAYDREAM ABOUT: blake daniels, death and blood, and how great life would be if i had $1,000 a week to spend on clothes.

I IDENTIFY GREATLY WITH: anne, 2 books about sick girls, human sorrow

I AM THE BEST "ME" WHEN I'M AROUND: andrew, shannon and alyson, and my momma

I READ: pablo neruda, only 2 different magazines, and the sunday comics

ALL I REALLY NEED IS: myself, 2 bras, and my cigarettes

2002-04-02, 10:45 p.m.
design by bluechicken

