
last night I went to this club called Chunky's, that I've been to many times before but always on a Saturday night when it was all "gothic". So last night was Thursday and Shannon, Alyson, Sue, Steve and I all went. I was a little nervous to dance because there weren't too many people on the dance floor but then I remembered something and I told Shannon. "I like to pride myself on doing things other people would only do if they were drunk, and do it sober" So I went out on the dance floor and I was dancing so hard, bopping my head up and down, and sweating so much it felt like I'd just gotten out of the shower.

Eventually after a few cosmopolitans the girls joined Steve and I on the dance floor. We spent most of the time laughing, doing silly 80's moves, and mocking the others on the d.f. (especially Steve)

At one point during the night I started crying hysterically. Alyson, not knowing what had happened said "Oh my God did you get hit in the head?" I shook my head no. "Laura! Don't cry" she said "we're having a good time!" "I know, I think I'm crying tears of joy" I explained. It was all so ridiculous.

The best part of the night was when I was sitting at a table near the dance floor with Shannon, smoking cigarettes and watching Steve dance his heart out and Susie Q and Aly sitting on the floor giggling. I turned to Shannon and said "the four of you are the best group of friends I've ever had"- and I really really meant it.

2001-08-24, 9:55 p.m.
design by bluechicken

