mr farkas

I have this insane alter ego. His name is Mr. Farkas. I created him one day when I was calling my friend Shannon at work. He is this bizarro 73 year old man who shares Shannon's birthday and is madly in love with her. As the story goes he and I are somewhat of an item, we live together in an apartment and I help him when he falls or can't zipper his pants. Farkas will come out at all hours of the day or night; calling people at work, ordering at Krispy Kreme donuts or calling an astologer named "Miss Anna" at 2am. He is actually a terribly annoying character and one I love to tease Shannon with (because she seems to be the most disturbed by him). Alas, Mr Farkas has created his own diary, so if you would like to learn more about him his address is:

2001-07-29, 7:07 p.m.
design by bluechicken

