fencing for yourself

Tonight I spent some quality time with my dad. I don't usually spend a lot of time alone with him because he and I are a lot alike (both self centered, demanding, stubborn and relentless) and because of that we sometimes clash. But anyway, we were sitting outside in the backyard with these tikki torches lit and both of us sitting in patio furniture; me drinking my apple juice out of a barbie cup and him smoking probably his 30th cigarette that day, and we were talking. My father is not a very educated man. Most all of the intelligent things he knows or can speak about he learned from my mother. He was giving me this little lecture about how in this world it is so important for people to take care of themselves and be self sufficient. Then he said the funniest thing, and he said it more than once, leading me to believe he honestly thinks he was using the right word:

"In this world, you have to fence for yourself. You can't rely on other people. It's very important to fence for yourself and be self sufficient"

It's funny that I'm smarter than a 64 yr old man.

2001-06-04, 11:43 p.m.
design by bluechicken

